Das linearbandkeramische Gräberfeld von Schwetzingen

  • Claudia Gerling (Author)
  • Michael Francken (Author)

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The cemetery of Schwetzingen (Baden-Württemberg) is with its 203 remaining graves one of the largest known necropolises of the early Neolithic Linear Bandceramic culture (LBK). It was located south of the mouth of the Neckar into the Rhine, at the edge of the Rhine valley. On the whole Schwetzingen shows the characteristics of the known cemeteries of this culture. The dead were mostly
laid down on left side in a fl exed position in NE-SW-orientated, narrow grave pits. Approximately 50 % of the dead were buried with grave gifts such as pottery and tools out of stone, silex, bone and antler and trinket. The fi ndings in the grave, especially the ceramics’ varying ornamentation, suggest a dating around 5200/5000 BC.
Beside nearly 200 body burials some cremated remains and some so called empty graves were found at the cemetery. A complete anthropological analysis hasn´t been carried out but fundamental informations exist. Based on these results some preliminary statements concerning the composition of age and gender are possible. Within the population the women exceed the men while a large number of children is recorded. As for the rest the momentary anthropological results of the cemetery are comparable with other sites of this period.



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Anthropology, Baden-Württemberg, cemetery, Demography, Early Neolithic, Rhine valley, Linear Pottery culture