Linsensuppe und Austern - Ökonomie und Ernährung im römischen Vicus von GroßGerau

  • Carsten Wenzel (Author)
  • Sabine Deschler-Erb (Author)

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The Military camp and adjoining civil settlement at Groß-Gerau in the North of Hessisches Ried were founded in 75 AD. approximately 2 kilometres south of today's city in an area latterly called A u f Esch'. The military presence, until around 115/120 AD. elevated the settlement into one of the most important in the southern part of the federal State of Hesse. The settlement continued to exist albeit in a reduced form until the third quarter of the 3rd Century AD. The econonmy was mainly trade-based with only a limited reliance on production of goods. The comprehensive analysis of the archaeozoological material found within the structures of the settlement affords an important insight into the social, economic, and agricultural history of a settlement at the peripher / of the Roman  Empire. Particularly interesting is the chronological development of hunting practices and cattle breeding.



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Groß-Gerau, 1-3rd Century AD, rural settlement, archaeozoology, feeding, economy, agriculture, hunting, cattle breeding