Methodische Überlegungen zur Ressource Boden

  • Jana Esther Fries (Author)

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Düring prehistory soils probably played a major role in choosing settlement locations. Geographers were the first to discuss the preference of certain soils and their importance for choosing a site. Within the first half of the 20,h Century prehistoric archaeologists adopted the topic. For several decades the Neolithic, particularly the Bandkeramic culture, were in the focus of discussion. In recent
times several studies referring to more than one period have been published. Investigations concerning these questions require methodical decisions which have important influence on the results, e.g. the choice between different types of soil maps or the dimensions of the examined Settlements' surroundings. Changes of environmental conditions have to be considered as well as the development of agricultural techniques since the investigated period. In order to gain precise and valuable information on soil conditions at the site of a prehistoric settlement specific soil investigations are necessary. Unfortunately such investigations have up to now been carried out only on a very small number of excavations.



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Settlement archaeology, methodology, soils