Archäologie bei linearen Großprojekten - ein modernes Märchen

  • Max Langenbrinck (Author)

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The present "modern fairy tale" teils about the role of archaeology in an imaginary linear large construction project. It describes a model of course from the planing to the publication of the results of research and links it with the future political and legislational developments in Germany and Europe. An important pari comes up to the integrative participation of the entire archeological network.
The author, member of the Working Group 2 "Archeology as Economic Factor Science as a Service Rendered" of the DGUF integrales the results of the study of the W G 2 "Archeology in large construction projects" in this fairy tale. Based on it he determines that the participation of archaeology as it is described in the imaginary project is not an unrealistic description. The described procedure was
practiced in some sections of the line in the project investigated by W G 2, with some reductions in accompaniment of construction. If this procedure is a good example. it simultaneously illustrates the deficits still existing in participation of archeology in large construction project in Germany.



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Archeology in large construction projects, , approval procedures, integration, archeological network, best practice, DGUF conference 2004