Die unterschiedliche Nutzung von Haus- und Wildtieren im Neolithikum Ostholsteins am Beispiel der Schnittspurenanalyse an Knochen aus Grube-Rosenhof, Wangels LA 505 und Heidmoor

  • Jörg Ewersen (Author)

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This paper presents an procedure to analyze cut marks on animal bone finds from the excavations of Heidmoor, GrubeRosenhof, and Wangels in the southern Part of SchleswigHolstein. The aim of the investigation was to document the cut marks on bone remainders in order to find criteria for interpreting different butchering practices of the animal bodies. At first, the position of cut marks on
a red deer skeleton were studied in order to understand their possible origin. They indicated that many factors exist which may influence such an analysis. However, some differences of the skinning and butchering procedures between different sites could be worked out on the base of different animal species. For instance, cut marks show that the European fish otter and dogs were butchered in different ways. These animals were skinned, though their meat w a s not used in any case. It was also possible to find out that butchering marks on bones of pig and sheep/goat were unusual. In consequence , the paper clarifies that the use of wild and domestic animals can only be analyzed by detailed investigations on cut marks and use traces of bones.



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Northern Germany, Neolithic, excavation sites Heidmoor, Wangels, Grube Rosenhof, archaeozoology, cut marks, skinning and butchering technology