Landesweit im Einsatz: ADABweb - das Denkmal-Informationssystem mit GIS-Funktionalität

  • Otto Mathias Wilbertz (Author)
  • Torsten Harri Gohlisch (Author)

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The Lower Saxony State Service for Cultural Heritage (NLD) is establishing a web-based informationsystem called " ADAB web". Its essential features are a database. the internettechnology with webservices and the technology of Geographie Information Systems (GIS). The Software programmes applied are ORACLE, PHRADOdb, and APACHE, running on two Servers of the NLD. The geographica! information i.e. the digital maps come from a mapserver of the Lower Saxonian Ordnance Survey (LGN). The user does not need a specialized program, only a web browser and two free available plugins: ADOBESVG-Viewer and ADOBE Acrobat Reader. Working with ADAB web the user's browser applies to the webserver for information, the webserver activates the PHP, which gathers the alphanumeric and geometric data and generates the SVG documet with Symbols, links, and the geographica!  request. The webserver mails the SVG document back to the user's browser which transmits the geographica! request to the mapserver. The mapserver
contributes the map. Because of the security of the System and the data, ADABweb is running within a special network of the federal State of Lower  Saxony which is free for the administration of the State and for the districts. There are additional possibilities of access especially secured for universities and other research institutions. The main applications for ADAB w e b are the  administration of the Sites and the monuments, the planning of buildings and roads and scientific research. As to public information a reduced stock of data is free for internet access. The NLD delivers them to the Internet Portal GeoLife of the LGN. The NLD also is about to establish a mobile information system called "mobiDENK". This GPS based system is aecomplished in Cooperation with the LGN and NICCIMON (an institute associated with the University of Oldenburg).



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database management, Web-Map-Service, GIS, cultural heritage