Das Spätmesolithikum und die Neolithisierung in der Schweiz

  • Ebbe H. Nielsen (Author)

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Since the publication of the Birsmatten excavation in 1963 numerous late Mesolithic assemblages have been excavated. A critical analysis of the results from Birsatten is thus possible. The late Mesolithic can be dated to between 6700 and 5500 BCcal. Assemblages containing early as well as late Mesolithic types are regarded as mixed. Atransitional  period cannot be proven. The Swiss late Mesolithic north of the Alps is clearly belonging to the late Mesolithic group of eastern France. The only published assemblage of southern Switzerland belongs to the late Mesolithic of northern Italy. During the entire late Mesolithic traces of agriculture and forest clearances can be found in pollen profiles. The neolithization thus begins at the start of this period. The early Neolithic clearly derives from the local late Mesolithic.



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Switzerland, late Mesolithic, neolithisation, stoneartifacts, pollenanalysis, radiocarbon dates