“Digital Threads across the Landscape” – a smartphone application co-developed by users

  • Lone Ritchie Andersen (Author)
  • Tinna Møbjerg (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


“Digital Threads across the Landscape” is a smartphone application designed to display prehistoric and historic finds and  sites at the actual locations where events took place. The aim of the project is to make cultural heritage more readily available to a wider audience and to engage the public with cultural history in new and different ways; creating new experiences outside of traditional museum settings by means of location-based mobile phone software and Augmented Reality. Currently 51 locations, spanning 12,000 years of cultural history, are available through the app. A web-based editor tool makes it easy for museum curators to add new locations and more sites are being added every month.
Throughout the design process two groups of non-professionals have been involved as co-creators; a group of students and a group of seniors. Engaging two, different target groups proved fruitful and educational for everyone involved. Not only did designers and curators get fresh ideas and immediate response on form, functionality and content, it also caused the co-creators to take ownership and act as ambassadors for the app.



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smartphone app, cultural history, new museum experiences, location-based technology, Augmented Reality, participatory design, archaeology, EAA 2012