Valorisation – Gedanken zum Wert von Kulturdenkmälern vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen EU-Förderperiode

  • Sascha Schmidt (Author)

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Valorisation describes a key concept in European Policy concerning Cultural Heritage. It mentions an improved economic utility of Monuments by opening up for development, marketing or provision of services for a broad public. All Funding opportunities refer to the Lissabon Agenda with a focus on knowledge based economic growth, even if their main objective is the European citizenship, like it is in the „Culture“program.
It has to be called into question, if a primary economic view is acceptable to cope with Cultural Heritage. Therefore it is useful to compare the situation of Natural and Cultural Heritage. Nature Protection is present in nearly all programs; protection and preservation are eligible tasks in the Priorities of the Funds, which is not the case for Cultural Heritage. The article describes in several examples the existing funding opportunities and the consequences of the focussing on the Lissabon Agenda and the follow up Europe 2020 Agenda. The article addresses how to contribute to the programming of the coming funding period. It is shown that participating in Consultations would be a necessary step.



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Valorisation, economy challenges, European Policy, Cultural Heritage