Einiges passt, anderes nicht: Archäologischer Wissensstand und Ergebnisse der DNA-Anthropologie zum Frühneolithikum
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In DNA research about the early Neolithic of Central Europe, the Linear Pottery culture (LBK), in the last decade three subjects were in the foreground, which are commented from an archaeological point of view. (1) According to ancient DNA (aDNA) work, the LBK cattle all came from a breeding center in the Near East, which is consistent with the archaeozoological record. (2) According to ancient DNA work, the people of the Linear Pottery Culture did not tolerate milk (lactose intolerance, no lactase persistence). In fact, they had pottery sieve vessels in which milk fat was chemically detected, probably from production of lactose-free cheese. (3) According to ancient DNA work, the Linear Pottery people were not descendents from the local hunters and gatherers, but must have immigrated all. Archeology usually also starts from an immigration, it debates, however, about the intensity of immigration and about the scale of biological integration of Mesolithic people.