Open Access und Open Data in der rumänischen Archäologie

  • Irina Oberländer-Târnoveanu (Author)
  • Sergiu Musteaţă (Author)

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Access to information is an actual subject for most European countries. Open Access and Open Data in archaeology are fundamental tools for the understanding and the preservation of the archaeological heritage and sites. Romania has its own legal framework and is signer of the most important European and international conventions. Since 2000, the Romanian Ministry of Culture has developed national databases for archaeological documentation, including sites, investigations and reports. As of today four national archaeological databases are running online. This paper debates the Romanian experiences in the field of open archaeological databases: the National Archaeological Record (RAN); the Management Information System for Archaeological Investigations (ACERA); the Romanian Archaeological Reports Database (CHRONICLE) and the database for the Archaeological Repertory of Romania (RAR), the digitized paper archive of the Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest.



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archaeology, open access, open data, Romania, heritage management, DGUF conference 2014