Redeemer or Scapegoat – Archaeological Heritage Management in the regard of regional policy

  • Stefan Winghart (Author)

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Subject of the lecture is the value of Archaeological Heritage Management (AHM) within regional policy, subsuming also communal policy. In spite of a high medial significance of archaeology, there are still a lot of misunderstandings and conflicts. In communal policy this is evoked mainly by the user pays principle and sometimes by a not sufficient comprehension of scientific-archaeological requirements and methods of operation. It also may be caused by defective communication of AHM. State Ministries are interested in an undisturbed process of administration and expect pragmatism and ability for compromises from AHM. It is the task of AHM to act proactively in the stressfield between regional and communal policy and represent its interests as a scientific discipline as well as institution to all participants.



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archaeology, Heritage Management, state policy, regional policy, communal policy, communication, percipience, stressfields, image, user pays principle, Lower Saxony, DGUF conference 2016