Wikipedia. Power. Archaeology

  • Marcus Cyron (Author)

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Wikipedia has become an important source of information on archaeological topics for a broad audience and within a remarkable short period of time. Its content depends on a few authors only, which have a considerable influence on the respective fields of interest. The authors are often committed amateurs without academic training in archaeology, so they need the support of specialists, which can take various forms. Due to the wide audience of Wikipedia, professional archaeologists should also have an interest in its content, and should try to exert a positive influence on it. Because of the small number of active authors, the various archaeological topics are prone to personal interests. The wider the authors’ knowledge base, the more solid the article quality will be. Since active cooperation is not always possible, other forms of support are desirable, for example, by consulting or providing literature.



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archaeology, encyclopaedia, Wikipedia, power, impact, public relations, internet, DGUF conference 2016