Erkenntnisgewinn und Relevanz einer Archäologie des 19. bis 21. Jahrhunderts

  • Claudia Theune (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


One of the youngest fields in archaeology takes a look at our recent past. The constant expansion of the subjects of archaeology led to the fruitful research of the Middle Ages, especially during the second half of the 20th century, and for about the last 30 years or so, of modern times and contemporary history. Through the inclusion of all available (e. g. object-based, word-based and image-based) sources, inspired not at least by the cultural turns, and with methods of material culture studies, valuable insights and discoveries can be gained on various topics and of our recent history and new perspectives have opened up. In this article, I will discuss the legal framework and practice in the national and international context, as well as the goals, the knowledge gained and the relevance of an archaeology of the last 200 years.



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archaeology, archaeology of modern times, contemporary archaeology, historical archaeology, material culture studies, DGUF conference 2020