Integrierung einer Archäologie der Moderne in die Lehre aus Sicht der Studierenden Vertretungen

  • Ilian Finkeldey (Author)
  • Valentina Laaha (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


As early as in their first lectures as well as in their beginning field work students of Archaeology will get confronted with the material remains of the human past. The focus of academic teachings mostly lies on the ‘specialties’ of specific time frames, thus rarely including structures and findings of more recent times. A stronger emphasis on ´archaeology of modern times´ would therefore not just be an opportunity for students to specialise in this under-represented branch of archaeological studies, but will, in regard of the increasing number of jobs offered by excavation companies as well as rescue excavation in general, become a necessity for scientific field work in general. However, it will not be possible or even reasonable to offer in-depth study in this field at every university and institute, therefore it will be up to local discussions how and to which extent an integration is wanted and needed in each case. Courses held by guest lecturers or cooperation across institutes could be a possible approach. Concluding, how an integration of contemporary archaeology can be reached and featured in academic teaching will not only be up to the communication and creativity among all those involved but will also be a matter of cooperation with related institutes as well as the student body.



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archaeology, academic teaching, prehistoric archaeology, contemporary archaeology, historic archaeology, requirements, student´s union, DGUF conference 2020