Grabungsfirmen in Deutschland trotz Pandemie auf Wachstumskurs – DGUF-Monitoring-Report privatwirtschaftliche Archäologie 2020

  • Frank Siegmund (Author)
  • Diane Scherzler (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


More respondents than in the previous year took part in the survey conducted in February 2021 among archaeology entrepreneurs and self-employed persons in Germany about the 2020 business year. Methodologically, the similarity of important results to those of the previous year‘s survey and also to the DGUF survey ‚EvaBA‘ underlines the validity of the results. The entrepreneurs state that the corona pandemic has predominantly had a slightly negative impact on their sales, according to which their subjectively perceived coronarelated ‚growth‘ would be minus 9 percent on average. In fact, however, the companies‘ employee numbers increased by an average of 6 % from 2019 to 2020, annual sales by at least 4 %, and annual sales per employee by approximately 6,645 Euro. In view of these figures, it is not surprising that the average sentiment of the entrepreneurs towards 2021 can be described as „good“. The personnel plans for 2021 envisage an increase of 12 % in the number of employees. The free-text answers show that, from the point of view of the entrepreneurs, there is considerable potential to further improve the basis for good archaeology and a higher economic performance of the companies, especially by measures of state and university archaeology.



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archaeology, employment market, employment market trend, sector turnover, excavation company, private-sector archaeology, commercial archaeology, COVID-19 pandemic