Chronology and spatial distribution of terra sigillata potters’ stamps and coins within the Nijmegen castra and canabae

Identifiers (Article)


This paper discusses the chronology of the legionary fortress (castra) and surrounding civil settlement (canabae legionis) of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, by examining distribution patterns of terra sigillata potters’ stamps and coins. It partially draws on previously published data, but supplements this with a large amount of hitherto unavailable data from various sources to provide a new chronological framework for these military and semi-military assemblages. While previous research has usually focussed on either the castra or the canabae, this is the first attempt at a comprehensive comparative study of both sites, providing new insights into their development and interaction. The main research questions addressed are: How are the finds distributed across the research area and what does this tell us about the impact of depositional patterns, post-depositional processes, and differing excavation techniques? What are the start and end dates of the castra and canabae and are these the same? And finally, can any chronological patterns be discerned and how should these be explained?

