Konzeption eines projektbasierten Übungsbetriebs für ein Modul im Masterstudiengang Mathematik mit Forschendem Lernen als Leitmotiv
Identifiers (Article)
Mathematics is critical to understanding and solving complex real-world problems, from data science to neuroscience. However, even master's-level math courses at universities often do not adequately prepare students for research or business careers. While the exercise programs used in these courses are useful for actively engaging students with the lecture material, they tend to focus on theoretical problems with known outcomes rather than practical applications or tasks with unknown outcomes. This paper presents an exercise program for the master's-level module "Numerical Optimization with Differential Equations II" that uses a research-based learning approach and aims to better prepare students for tasks in research and business world. The core of the presented exercise program is that students in teams teach themselves and apply algorithms to solve challenging problems by analyzing relevant research papers. The exercise program was implemented in the winter semester 2021/2022 and the students’ engagement and performance exceeded the author's expectations, with the students finding it helpful and enjoyable. Thus, the presented program has the potential to better prepare students for research or business jobs while providing a more engaging and enjoyable learning experience.

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