Wie lässt sich das Textverständnis von Studierenden verbessern?

Zum Einsatz von Remindern in der politikwissenschaftlichen Lehre

  • Felix Schulte (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The study of political science involves a significant amount of reading and writing. However, when it comes to reading skills, there is often room for improvement. Gaining a deep understanding of the subject requires active and analytical reading, but this comes at a high cost for students. How can we encourage and enhance this crucial skill? We believe that promoting active reading requires two essential elements: the motivation to thoroughly engage with a text and the ability to actively process its content. In light of this, we propose that providing practical instructions on how to read a scientific study, along with personal reminders to allocate sufficient time for reading, can significantly improve reading comprehension. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment and a survey among first-semester political science students. The analysis reveals that students who received a personal reminder with reading guidelines performed better on average compared to those who did not receive one. These findings have important implications for both didactic research and the teaching of political science in general.




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Type, method or approach
Teaching, Reading skills, Experiments, Political Science