Multidimensionales Lernen fördert Motivation und Tiefenlernen

Eine Kombination verschiedener Veranstaltungsformate als Lehrexperiment in der Bioinformatik

  • Lena Voith von Voithenberg (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


In this work, the newly structured course for students in “Molecular Biotechnology” and “Life Sciences” at the University of Heidelberg is analyzed regarding its concepts and outcomes. The course “Spatial omics techniques” combines a literature seminar with practical analysis aspects in the area of bioinformatics. The combination allowed the students to transfer the knowledge directly from the most recent publications into application in the form of bioinformatics exercises. This leads to increased motivation and activation as well as connection of the learned material.




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Type, method or approach
Multi-dimensional learning, Constructive alignment, Activation, Motivation, Combination of course formats