Pilot-RCT zur Umgestaltung des psychosomatischen Seminars mit didaktischen Methoden

  • Felicitas Engel (Author)
  • Sophia Benz-Sahnoun (Author)
  • Thorsten Engel (Author)
  • Beate Wild (Author)
  • Jonas Tesarz (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Introduction: In medical teaching, there are seminars with only a basic didactic concept. The aim of this study was (1) to revise the didactic concept of a psychosomatic seminar, (2) to test the feasibility of the concept in a teaching randomized controlled trial (RCT) and (3) to demonstrate initial effects. Method: A structured didactic concept was developed for a psychosomatic seminar based on the “sandwich technique”, “constructive alignment” and the concept of students as “active partners”. A randomized controlled intervention study was conducted to test the concept against conventional teaching (control group de-sign with pre-post measurement). Results: 43 students were included, 22 were random-ized into the intervention group. For the pre-post comparison, seven items were assessed in each group, measuring how students assessed themselves with regards to subject knowledge/learning target, interest in the specialty and didactic methods. In the interven-tion and control group, items from the first two areas were significantly higher in the post measurement, with large effect sizes in some areas. There were no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion: The redesign of the seminar was feasible. The stu-dents in the intervention and control group had a significant increase in knowledge regard-ing the learning target and showed more interest in the specialty in post-measurement. There were no significant differences in outcome between the intervention and control group. This could be due to the sample size, varying experience of the lecturers or timing of the post-measurement.




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Type, method or approach
Didactic Redesign, Psychosomatic Medicine, Randomized Controlled Intervention Study