Sustainability in Higher Education
Engaging Students and Universities in Co-Creating Sustainable Learning Environments
Identifiers (Article)
In this article, we explore how universities can effectively teach sustainability. First, we identify key pedagogical approaches (interdisciplinarity, participatory learning, and real-world application), competencies (critical, reflective, and strategic thinking), and institu-tional requirements (curriculum integration and campus sustainability) based on the litera-ture on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Second, we present the interdisci-plinary seminar “Sustainable Strategy Development”, which we attended during the 2023/24 winter term, as a practical example of ESD in action. Third, we critically assess Heidelberg University’s current institutional sustainability efforts using the criteria identi-fied in ESD-related literature. Our findings suggest that while Heidelberg University is on the right track, further improvements are necessary to meet its ESD obligations and ambi-tions. One effective way that we identify here is establishing more seminars that not only enable students to develop the necessary competencies using innovative teaching methods, but also allow them to actively participate in the design of their sustainable learning envi-ronment. We conclude that sustainability education is most effective when the university itself plays a central role in the teaching process.
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