Charakteristika und Möglichkeiten forschenden Lehrens und Lernens

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning an der Universität Heidelberg

  • Rafael Klöber (Author)
    Center for Teaching and Learning, Heidelberg University

    Rafael Klöber ist Hochschuldidaktiker und Religionshistoriker an der Universität Heidelberg. Während er sich bis 2017 vor allem mit Religion, Kultur und Gesellschaft Südindiens befasse, verfolgt er heute das Ziel Lehren und Lernen an Deutschlands ältester Universität kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln. Er beobachtet, berät und moderiert an unterschiedlichen Stellen den Austausch über Lehre. Dabei liegen ihm Forschendes Lernen und Scholarship of Teaching and Learning besonders am Herzen.

Identifiers (Article)


Research-based teaching and learning has become a widely recognized and central theme within higher education. This paper outlines the meaning of these two concepts from a pedagogical perspective. First, the article presents the features of research-based teaching and learning and the opportunities they afford, which is complemented by examples of how both are understood and applied at Heidelberg University. Then it explores the how’s and why’s of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a productive concept that can be used to effectively develop and further improve teaching and learning in higher education. Finally, the paper highlights how the concept positively influences the quality of instruction, the development of teaching excellence, and the overall quality of any institution of higher learning.




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Type, method or approach
Research-based Learning, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Higher Education, Academic Development