Implementierung und Evaluation eines volldigitalen Workflows zur Herstellung von festsitzendem Zahnersatz in der vorklinischen Lehre

  • Moritz Waldecker (Author)
  • Thomas Stober (Author)
  • Lydia Eberhard (Author)
  • Wolfgang Bömicke (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The increasing digitalization of dental medicine is changing everyday life in dentistry. Theoretical and practical knowledge of computer-based planning and manufacturing processes should therefore be taught at an early stage of dental studies. To implement a fully digital workflow in preclinical prosthetic teaching, a three-day block course was designed during which students of the second preclinical course were to learn how to restore patients with single-tooth crowns in a fully digital workflow. The success of the course was objectively assessed by means of quality control for each of the work steps. The subjective learning success and the satisfaction of the students with their participation in the course were determined by means of questionnaires. All students were able to produce perfectly fitting crowns. Their subjective learning success and their satisfaction with the course were given maximum scores by the students. Thus, a fully digital workflow was successfully implemented in preclinical teaching and the course enabled the students to provide future patients with fully digital care.




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Preclinical Teaching, Fully Digital Fixed Dental Prothesis, CAD/CAM