Umarbeitung einer naturwissenschaftlich-technischen (MINT) Präsenz-Lehrveranstaltung in ein lernförderliches Online-Format im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie
Identifiers (Article)
Due to the COVID-19-pandemic, in-person teaching at university frequently had to be substituted by online teaching. Knowledge and skills of the individual lecturers with respect to online teaching were often in conflict with the necessity of offering certain classes as well as a rather short preparation- or adjustment time to the modified teaching format. In addition, technical advances and applications are currently rapidly changing in the field of online teaching, which complicates a well-structured preparation phase even further. Therefore, this article tries to outline the design and implementation of a concrete scientific-technically (STEM)-oriented online-course, which had to be converted into an online-format at short notice in the context of the COVID-19-pandemic. The lecture was designed such that it included contemporary, online specific teaching learning activities to encourage student learning through student activation and feedback. Thus, the manuscript is kept in a “best practice” format for teachers in similar situations.
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