Innovationsschub für das „KlimaWandelWissen“
Vom analogen Lehren zum digitalen Lernen in der Geographie
Identifiers (Article)
The issue of climate change is of great relevance in research as well as in teaching. Based on the current state of climate research, the article presents approaches for teaching-learning settings that aim to enable students to make informed, thoughtful, and responsible decisions. The paper focuses on the seminar “KlimaWandelWissen” (“ClimateChangeKnowledge”) at the Institute of Geography at Heidelberg University, which was transferred from classroom to online format in spring 2020 and awarded the prize for digital teaching in fall 2020. In the seminar, the lecturer accompanies students in the competency acquisition, which includes the training of climate data literacy as a core element. Guided by the question what conditions for success an (online) course on climate change needs, the article outlines the structure of the seminar and the concrete implementation; the experiences are then reflected upon and conceptually discussed. It is shown that both the alignment with climate data literacy learning objectives and the creation of participatory meeting spaces are crucial for the success of the seminar.
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