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Ökonomie beim Prüfen

Zeitlose, wiederverwendbare Aufgabenschemata für Prüfungsaufgaben erstellen

  • Olivia Vrabl (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


How can teachers meet the expectation of a high-quality assessment task while at the same time keeping the workload for teachers on a realistic level? One answer is the concept of a timeless and reusable assessment task developed by Olivia Vrabl. By using a formula as a basis for designing assessment tasks while following the idea of constructive alignment this concept allows a maximum of transparency and fairness for teachers as well as students. Student motivation, a positive attitude towards assessment, as well as how to communicate the scheme to students play a major role. Examples shown cover a great number of task types as well as disciplines to illustrate the universal application of this new concept.




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Published (Versions)

Olivia Vrabl
Exam questions, Task design, Constructive Alignment, Economy in assessment