Applikationsgestützte Lernarrangements in der medizinischen Lehre
Ein Pilotprojekt für digitales Lernen in der medizinischen Vorklinik am Beispiel der Biochemie
Identifiers (Article)
A special challenge in teaching is given in study subjects that have a high focus on learning facts. Content needs to be repeated continuously and builds the base for following future topics. The amount of repetition units can rise quickly and become overwhelming over time. Whereas the amount cannot be managed in the time frame of a usual teaching unit. A challenge that is particularly – but not exclusively – present in biochemistry, is the large number of facts that needs to be covered. Therefore, there is a special need for tools to relieve the time frame of teaching units by outsourcing content that needs to be repeated. Ideally this outsourcing would engage students in becoming autonomous learners who can repeat content asynchronously according to their individual schedule. New formats in the subject biochemistry in medical education, like digital application-based learning arrangements, can be such facilitating tools. In this article such a learning application, developed with the commercially available online tool Articulate Rise 360, will be presented. It was applied for the very first time in medical education at the University of Heidelberg. Subsequent evaluations by students reveal, that applications for repeating previous topics as shown in the present paper are appreciated. The outsourcing of learning and training packages, that are aiming for repeating facts and as presented here, can therefore ideally be used to relieve teaching even in other subject areas.
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