The cuirass grave in the Tschoneggerfranzl barrow 2 near Kleinklein (Gem. Großklein, Bez. Leib - nitz) in Western Styria

  • Leif Hansen (Author)

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Within the project »Die hallstattzeitlichen Fürstengräber von Klein klein (Gem. Großklein, Bez. Leibnitz) in der Weststeiermark« jointly undertaken by the Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz and the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz some mislaid and hitherto unknown finds from the Tschoneggerfranzl barrow 2 excavated in 1882 appeared, which were restored anew in the RGZM. Especially of note are the fragments of a bronze cuirass which for a long time was thought to have been lost. The analysis of the finds coming from a stone chamber with entrance-corridor (dromos) beneath a barrow has shown that, apart from a male person, at least one woman, and perhaps a child as well, were buried  in the grave. Furthermore, it is certain that the grave monument was built during the transition of phases Ha C2/D1, or perhaps at the beginning of the Ha D1. In the quality of his apparel the deceased person from the Tschoneggerfranzl barrow 2 does not approach the »chieftain« burials of the Pommer- or Kröllkogel. However, it is still an unusually richly equipped grave. Beside several other rich graves the burial in the Tschoneggerfranzl barrow 2 can be interpreted as an aristocrat’s  construction; the deceased may be adjudged to have belonged to a type of »princely household« .


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Eisenzeit, Hallstatt, C2/D1, Österreich, Steiermark, Kleinklein, Grabfunde, Bewaffnung, Panzer, Materialvorlage