0235 Paraphrases of Biedermeier in Polish Furniture Designs in the Early Twentieth Century and Interwar Years

  • Agata Wójcik (Author)

    Agata Wójcik holds a PhD in art history and is a lecturer in the Faculty of Art at the Pedagogical University of Kraków. She is the author of the book Stanisław Chlebowski, "Nadworny Farbiarz Jego Sułtańskiej Mości". Życie i twórczość [Stanisław Chlebowski, "The Court Painter of His Majesty the Sultan". Life and Work], Warsaw, 2016. Currently, she is involved in a research project entitled "The founding fathers of Polish design. The Polish Applied Arts Society. Interior design and furniture", granted by the Polish National Science Centre.

Identifiers (Article)


The article aims to describe the ways in which Biedermeier inspired Polish furniture makers in the early twentieth century and in the interwar years. Until recently, vernacularism was believed to have dominated Polish furniture designs from that time. The revival of Biedermeier has already been analysed by researchers focusing on German, Austrian, or Czech furniture designs. By presenting Polish designs (created by a number of artists, including those of the Towarzystwo Polska Sztuka Stosowana [Polish Applied Arts Society]), this article seeks to contribute to a discussion on the influence of Biedermeier in Central Europe.


Biedermeier, furniture design, interior design, Towarzystwo Polska Sztuka Stosowana [Polish Applied Arts Society], Poland