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RIHA Journal
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Decorative Arts & Design
Decorative Arts & Design
19 Items
Decorative Arts & Design
0147 L’art de la reprise dans la collection de Gaston de Saint-Maurice
Elodie Baillot
2017: RIHA Journal
0142 Der Planetenhumpen von Neusohl/ Banská Bystrica
Barbara Balážová
2016: RIHA Journal
0089 Morris Carpets
Caroline Arscott
2014: Special Issue "When Art History Meets Design History"
'Gesamtkunstwerk' World’s Fair. Revisioning International Exhibitions
2024: Special Issue "'Gesamtkunstwerk' World’s Fair. Revisioning International Exhibitions"
0083 Introduction
Glenn Adamson
2014: Special Issue "When Art History Meets Design History"
0084 Mechanical Disegno
Marta Ajmar
2014: Special Issue "When Art History Meets Design History"
0086 Persuasion: Nicolas Pineau's Designs on the Social
Katie Scott
2014: Special Issue "When Art History Meets Design History"
0087 Model Making and Anti-Competitive Practices in the Late Eighteenth-Century London Sculpture Trade
Matthew Craske
2014: Special Issue "When Art History Meets Design History"
0088 Drawing from Fancy: The Intersection of Art and Design in Mid-Eighteenth-Century London
Anne Puetz
2014: Special Issue "When Art History Meets Design History"
0102 The Confusion of the Battlefield
Cecilia Paredes
2014: RIHA Journal
0134 (No) Laughing Matter: Modernism and Xavier Nogués’ Cartoons
Begoña Farré Torras
2016: Special Issue "Southern Modernisms"
0184 Special Issue „Mies und mehr … . Transferprozesse in Architektur und Wohnkultur der 1920er und 1930er Jahre“ – Einführung
Rudolf Fischer
2018: Special Issue "Mies und mehr ... . Transferprozesse in Architektur und Wohnkultur der 1920er und 1930er Jahre"
0235 Paraphrases of Biedermeier in Polish Furniture Designs in the Early Twentieth Century and Interwar Years
Agata Wójcik
2019: RIHA Journal
0279 Gold on Blue in Philadelphia
Sílvia Ferreira
2022: RIHA Journal
0285 Göring’s Collection of Antiquities at Carinhall
Laura Puritani
2023: Special Issue "The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era"
0291 "Unclaimed" Artworks Entrusted to French Museums after World War II
Anne Dunn-Vaturi, François Bridey, Gwenaëlle Fellinger
2023: Special Issue "The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era"
0292 The Fate of the Antiquities Collection of Izabela Działyńska (neé Czartoryska)
Inga Głuszek, Michał Krueger
2023: Special Issue "The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era"
0309 Staging and Displaying Colonialism
Melanie Ulz
2024: Special Issue "'Gesamtkunstwerk' World’s Fair. Revisioning International Exhibitions"
0313 La cerchia di Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle e un problema di metodo
Walter Cupperi
2024: RIHA Journal
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