0260 Vienna as a Sculptural Centre in the Long 19th Century

Current Research on Sculpture in Central Europe

  • Ingeborg Schemper-Sparholz (Author)

    Ao. Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schemper-Sparholz is an expert in sculpture from the Baroque to the 'Long Nineteenth Century' in Central Europe. She graduated from the Department of Art History of the University of Vienna, Austria, in 1978. In 2004 she qualified as a professor in Art History at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Vienna, with a professorial dissertation on Der Bildhauer Lorenzo Mattielli. Die Wiener Schaffensperiode. 1711–1738. Skulptur als Medium höfischer und sakraler Repräsentation zur Zeit Kaiser Karls VI. From 2004 till 2019 she was an Associate Professor at the Department of Art History of the University of Vienna. After her retirement, she continues to work on various publication projects and to supervise doctoral students.

  • Caroline Mang (Author)

    Caroline Mang (BA, MA) studied art history in Vienna and Basel on several merit scholarships and graduated after completing a master’s thesis on Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s Schlossbrücke in Berlin, which was awarded the Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft Wien’s Sir Ernst Gombrich Prize in 2017. From 2018 to 2019, she worked and taught as a university assistant at the Institute of Art History in Vienna. Since 2020 she has been working as a university lecturer and is pursuing her dissertation project on the Vienna school of sculpture in the 19th century.

Identifiers (Article)


The Vienna Art Academy has always attracted budding artists from all over the Empire, especially after the reform in 1872. Similarly, the School of Arts and Crafts in Vienna played an important role from its foundation in 1867. It served as a model for such institutions in the crown lands, including Zagreb, Budapest and Prague. At the same time, the project of the Vienna Ringstraße, in which many professors from the academy were involved, offered the prospect of commissions. Still, the networks of sculptors in the capital and the crown lands during these decades have not been widely explored. This is not a matter of purely art-historical questions; rather, the national question plays an important role. An international group of researchers is now tackling these connections, a century after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and decades after the partial division of Europe by the Iron Curtain.



Austro-Hungarian Empire, crown lands, sculptors, networks, Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, monuments, nationalism