Das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1400 „Frühe Monumentalität und soziale Differenzierung“

  • Doris Mischka (Author)

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In July 2009, a new research programme of the German research foundation was established, to investigate “Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation. On the origin and development of neolithic large-scale buildings and the emergence of early complex societies in Northern Central Europe”. Johannes Müller and Friedrich Lüth coordinate the programme. So far, 17 projects, with participants of 22 universities, research institutions and from institutes of the heritage management offices are integrated and working together in 17 single projects. The following article explains briefly the scientific and structural design of the program and then present two sub-projects with the participation of the author as an example of the project works. Particular attention is directed to the staffing and the support of young scientists in order to match the theme of the conference proceedings. The second part of this article is primarily a representation, less than an assessment of whether female or young scientists funding were successful or not. This would be more usefull only in comparison with other projects or at the end of the programme, when also the gender of all former applicants in relation to the graduates are to be considered. As an example, the integration of young scientist within the projects is illustrated to show the support of their careers.



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Neolithic, Northern Central Europe, Funnel Beaker Complex, enclosures megalithic, burials, dwelling sites in wetlands