Professorinnen in der Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Gender und Archäologie

  • Andrea Bräuning (Author)

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My treatise explores the career paths of the first four habilitated women in Prehistory and Early History at German universities in comparison with the career paths of the second and third generation. On the one hand, it shows that even leading female archaeologists do not only succeed through their work; it is also the memorial that is erected in their honour. On the other hand, we note that the proportion of women professors is still increasing; the number of habilitated women, however, is considerably higher. For this reason, the treatise explores the question of whether there are typical female career paths and when a career setback happens. The situation is not likely to change without a target-oriented control. Apart from the existing support programmes and networks for women as well as the activities of a women’s representative, financial incentives for faculties appointing more women are certainly an effective means to increase the proportion of women.



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history of research, habilitated women, leaky pipeline, proactive appointment procedures, university