Frühes Rössen auf der Aldenhovener Platte – Datierung mittelneolithischer Keramik aus den Siedlungen „Aldenhoven 1“ und „Schleiden 3“

  • Simon Matzerath (Author)
  • Markus Pavlovic (Author)

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By tradition the Aldenhovener Platte is a field of study for settlement archaeology of the Neolithic. Up to now unpublished finds from surveyings within the areas of the middle neolithic sites Aldenhoven 1 and Schleiden 3 could be dated rather precisely, based on a new fine chronology for the Rössen period in the Rhineland. For this purpose the patterns of decoration of separate vessel units were taken into record and combined with values of previous seriations. The vessel units composed by stray finds of Aldenhoven 1 confirmed the dating of the excavation finds from this settlement, recovered during the project “Siedlungsarchäologie des Neolithikums auf der Aldenhovener Platte” (Neolithic Settlement Archaeology on the Aldenhoven plain). Of special interest however is the allocation of the previously undated site Schleiden 3 into the early period of Rössen pottery in the Rhineland. Due to its size this settlement incorporates an important position within the arrangement of settlements with Rössen pottery on the Aldenhovener Platte.



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Middle Neolithic, Rössen pottery, seriation, dating, Aldenhoven 1, Schleiden 3, Aldenhovener Platte