Frauenschmuck in Niederlegungen Südskandinaviens während der späten Bronzezeit und vorrömischen Eisenzeit. Eine religionswissenschaftliche Perspektive

  • Deborah Barbara Karl-Brandt (Author)

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This study deals with jewelry from metal deposits dated from Late Bronze Age to pre-Roman Iron Age in Southern Scandinavia. In an interdisciplinary framework, methodology from comparative religion, especially ritual theory including offering, is applied on archaeological material. Criteria from comparative religion and archaeology for the sacrality of the hoard finds are developed. The sacral aspects of women jewelry are shown with a special focus on neck rings. Neck rings are particularly suitable as religious symbols because of their form, material and their high prestige. Additionally, religious symbolism and so called “Holy places” are analyzed. The separation from human space underlines their sacral character as “Holy places”. Therefore, topocraphical remarkable places are preferred. Finally, the hoards are interpreted as offerings in an agrarian fertility cult.



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comparative religion, ritual theory, offering, sacrifice, religious symbolism, hoard finds, Southern Scandinavia, jewelry, neck-rings, Late Bronze Age, pre-Roman Iron Age