Critical comments on current graduate numbers and career prospects in the subjects of Prehistory and Early History as well as Medieval and Modern Archaeology

Identifiers (Article)


This article assesses the current situation on the labour market for graduates of the prehistoric, roman, medieval and postmedieval archaeology. The authors analyse recent publications to draw a realistic picture of the opportunities for archaeological employment after the Master’s/ PhD. Factors such as the number of graduates, job demand and supply on the labour market in the private and public sectors of archaeology were considered. The authors conclude that based on the current data, depending on the model, one can speak of a slight job deficit to a significant job surplus. Furthermore, there seems to be high competition for well-paid management positions in the public service and in excavation companies. Inadequacies in the interpretation of previous studies are pointed out and the importance of a responsible handling of data and statistics of such surveys is emphasised. The authors elaborate on the importance of regular and comprehensive studies on the labour market in the private and public sectors to provide both internal and external stakeholders with quality sources of information and a basis for decision-making.



Comments on this article

Archaeology, Commentary, Pre- and Protohistory, Medieval and Postmedieval Archaeology, Study, job market, monitoring, alumni, career prospects, labor shortage, DGUF, source criticism