"Es geht uns nicht um Gold und Sensationen". Pressearbeit für Archäologen

  • Diane Scherzler (Author)

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"We're not after gold and sensations" Press relations for archaeologists.
Many archaeologists want to arouse public interest in their research. So amongst other strategies, researchers are trying to get the attention of the mass media. They Start writing press releases or create a new Website. Some scientists give interviews and are cited in press, radio and television. But archaeologists often lack experience in how to cooperate with the media. In consequence, they are often irritated by what is finally written or broadcast. The purpose of this text is to familiarize archaeologists with the media. Readers will learn how to present their topics better to the mass media. Answers will be given to what kind of information journalists actually need from scientists for writing an excellent article.



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press relations, mass media, television, radio, journalism, Public Understanding of Science and Humanities