Methodische Überlegungen zur systematischen Erfassung lithischer Rohmaterialien. Zur Beschreibung von SilexRohstoffen, ihren Lagerstätten, deren räumlichen Bezügen sowie zur Verwaltung von geoarchäologischen Vergleichssammlungen

  • Claus-Stephan Holdermann (Author)

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A pre-condition for the creation of mobility models of Stone Age societies is the building of silex raw material collections enabling comparison and Classification. In archaeological practice this triggers both the necessity to introduce a standardized systematic of macroscopic raw-material descriptions and a standardized description key for information concerning cross-country deposits. Only this makes possible a Cooperation of different comparative geo-archaeological collections, starting with cross-country work, standardized
petrographie descriptions, and continuing with the final Classification of raw materials into a collection of handpieces and their identical administration. Descriptions of information derived from raw materials, their spatial relations, qualifying and quantifying information concerning the deposits of various raw materials, but also information on qualities and quantities of partially differing varieties of raw materials within a deposit must be both linkable to corresponding data banks and retrievable from these, if they want to meet up to date analysis Standards. As a result, not only purely petrographie, but also e conomic questions and questions about settlement archaeology can be dealt with. The prescription key presented herein has been fundamentally expanded for northern alpine deposits. It has been tested in practice and can be both expanded and adapted to other conditions without problems.



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basic research, methods, geo-archaeology, comparative collection, flint, chert, silex, raw material, Alps, petrography, deposit, Jurassic-hornstone, Muschelkalk-hornstone, Keuper-hornstone, radiolaryte, silieeous slate, Flysch-quartzite, lydite, quartzite