Archäologie in Großbauprojekten: Ein Plädoyer für Zusammenarbeit

  • Susanne Heun (Author)

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The present paper is specifically focussed on the opportunities given by large construction projects regarding monument care and cpnservation and the entire archeological network in Germany. The author defines all involved, institutions, corporations, and individuals as partners of a network System which should develop a reasonably thought out and a coordinated methodology jointly, in order to finally conduct the realization in a joint effort. Above all in times of diminishing resources and a European legislation being at the beginning of harmonization in a slow process only, this sophisticated distribution and assignment of tasks and functions in a form of cooperative integration has become very important and favorable in view of the legally based objectives of monument protection. In large construction projects economical methods of practical action will be required form both sides, the investor and the monument conservation side, and they are reasonable and emphasize the cooperative attitude of the parties involved in the process of careful consideration during the phase of approval. Any image of blocking the progress existing on the investor side as well as on the side of institutions w h e n it comes to ground monument care and conservation could be avoided and resolved by a clear definition of the objectives and the methods of action within the individual projects. The objectives and the role of archeology as a solid basis for public interests could even be strengthened and be developed in a positive way, as far as such pending opportunities are recognized and utilized. The author, a member of the Working Group 2 "Archeology as Economic Factor Science as a Service Rendered" of the DGUF, demonstrates and compares the different views on the role of archeology in large construction projects, and explains why a concept designed partially to include all federal states would be so important and succesful in monument care and conservation. The author further indicates that the study of the WG 2 of the DGUF regarding "Archeology in Large Construction Projects" will describe and publish next year some of the aspects as discussed here at hand of the example of the ICE railway project "Köln Rhein/Main".



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Archeology in large construction projects, approval procedures, , integration, Cooperation, transparency, quality assurance, balance of interests, publication, archeological network