Archäologie zwischen Studium und Berufseinstieg: die ökonomische Seite der üblichen Wege

  • Jasmin Rauhaus-Höpfer (Author)
  • Sophie-Marie Rotermund (Author)

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What pathways may be viable for an entry into the profession of archaeology, for further academic and occupational qualification? What pitfalls, advantages and disadvantages should be considered, what topics are too rarely mentioned? Especially the economic aspects of the common pathways to a doctorate, a traineeship or a first job comes rarely into focus of internal discourses. The comparisons made in this article are intended to highlight differences in potential employment models and further qualification opportunities and to discuss – sometimes real, sometimes supposed – advantages and disadvantages. For example, doctoral scholarships sometimes show clear differences in remuneration and funding period, and the area of self-employment in archaeology is a rapidly growing market in Germany that has so far hardly been reflected. A market which, like the profession in the public service, no longer necessarily requires a doctorate.



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archaeology, profession, starting the professional life, job entry phase, academic qualification, professional qualification, bursary, grant