DGUF-Umfrage „Evaluation Beruf Archäologie“, 10.6.-31.10.2019: Durchführung und Teilnehmer der Umfrage (EvaBA 1)
Identifiers (Article)
The DGUF survey EvaBA (“Evaluation Beruf Archäologie”) was conducted in summer 2019 with a 21-week survey period among all those professionally active in archaeology in Germany. A total of 624 usable responses form an extensive random sample; from a statistical point of view, they provide a solid basis for in-depth evaluations. According to current knowledge, the cohort of respondents corresponds to about 15 % of all archaeologists working in Germany. Due to its focus and the way it was conducted, the survey cannot be “representative” in the strict sense of social science research. However, the description of the respondents presented here in Figs. 1-15 shows that all genders, age groups, fields of activity, levels of professional experience, types of employment, regions of Germany and areas of scientific interest are represented in each case in significant proportions. As colourful as German archaeology is, so colourful is the cohort of respondents – which is why the further evaluations following this introductory essay can and will provide a well-founded insight into the actual professional situation of archaeologists working in Germany.
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Published (Versions)
- 2021-05-31 (2)
- 2021-05-28 (1)