Die Studierenden- und Absolventenzahlen in den Fächern Ur- und Frühgeschichte sowie Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit im Jahr 2020

  • Frank Siegmund (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The survey of student and graduate numbers in the subject prehistoric archaeology and medieval archaeology in 2020 achieved – as in the previous year (Siegmund, 2020) – a high response rate, which is why the overall picture can be assessed as reliable. The student and graduate numbers are similar to those of the previous year, but somewhat lower. The number of MA degrees fell particularly sharply, by 27 %. This is likely to be at least partly related to the nationwide and interdisciplinary trend of students staying longer at universities in 2020, which can be linked to the Corona pandemic, which has strongly dominated everyday life since March 2020. The other key university figures, such as the transfer rate, student migration and student - teacher ratio, do not show any major changes compared to the previous year. Thus, in addition to the specifics described above, an important outcome of the 2020 survey is the validation of observations from the 2019 survey. However, despite understandable Corona effects, the sharp drop in the number of MA graduates is noteworthy in view of a growing labour market, especially in private sector archaeology, with a clear shortage of skilled workers (Siegmund & Scherzler, 2019; 2020), and should be taken into account by graduates, university teachers and employers.



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