Prekariat und Selbstausbeutung zwischen einer Kultur des Jammerns und „Self-Empowerment“ – Einführung zur Diskussionsrunde des Forums Archäologie in Gesellschaft (FAiG)

  • Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann (Author)
  • Raimund Karl (Author)
  • Thomas Meier (Author)
  • Christiane Ochs (Author)
  • Sophie-Marie Rotermund (Author)
  • Stefan Schreiber (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


This contribution discusses the status quo of working conditions in German archaeology, especially, but not exclusively, in the early career stages. It introduces the following contributions, which give more detailed analyses of particular aspects of this topic. Current working conditions are characterised by very considerable self-exploitation in the context of already severely and continuously further increasingly precarious employment conditions across all sectors (commercial archaeological contractors, research institutions, heritage management and museums) and career stages (degree programme, internships and voluntary service, temporary and permanent contracts). We argue that both grievances, which by now have become institutionalised in various areas regulating the working life of archaeologists ranging from curricula to employment law, are directly linked. Precarious working conditions not only force those affected to massively self-exploit, to maintain at least a semblance of a chance of a career within the system, but the will to self-exploit, celebrated as “intrinsic motivation”, enables the increasing and comprehensive precarisation of working conditions. It would thus be a mistake to expect redress to be provided from the outside. Rather, it is in our own hands to fight for bearable regulations of working conditions.



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archaeology, working conditions, early career, temporary employment in Science law, #IchBinHanna, permanent contract, work-life balance