The power of attention: campaigning archaeology in social media

  • Esmeralda Agolli (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Attention has never been any more measured, qualifying and crucial as it is nowadays. Constantly in the social media expressions including views, likes, loves, sadness, comments, shares, or even subscribes define extensively how the perceptions are created, followed and cherished. This innovative setting however not always translates into joyful and promising ground in which posts, appearances, reporting and publication secure attention and by default success. Archaeology is increasingly developing in an interdisciplinary focus and especially in the last few decades such approach has produced rather captivating scientific results. Also coupled with other fields and disciplines has gained an indispensable role and is shaping several shaping several professions and careers that include: museology, protection, promotion and management of culture heritage, legislation, development of tourism, environment, public and private sectors and entrepreneurship. In this paper, I examine the nature of news posted in the social media and to what extent this content affects perceptions for the discipline in the public eye. I argue that awareness regarding the role of publicity in the field should not only be raised, above all, such dimension must become an indispensable task within the field.



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