Spätrömische Kleidungs- und Ausrüstungsbestandteile entlang der via Claudia Augusta in Nordtirol, Südtirol und im Trentino. Militarisierung der Alpen in der Spätantike?

  • Marcus Zagermann (Author)

Identifiers (Files)


Crossbow brooches and Late Roman belt fittings are regularly found in North Tyrol, South Tyrol and in Trentino. Chronologically, the material ranges from the late-3rd to the middle third of the 5th century. Frequently there is a connection with important points on main roads or secondary routes. Fortified hilltops, which are mainly known for the 6th century in the area, only play a subordinate role in the period under consideration here. In the region, with its Alpine passes, various kinds of state and military activity are possible, depending on the character of the site. However, it is not always possible to determine whether we are clearly dealing with military activities. (D. W.-W.)

