Das germanische Brandgräberfeld in Sekule, Westslowakei. Zu den Bevölkerungsbewegungen um die Zeit der Markomannenkriege
Identifiers (Article)
The paper presents preliminary results of excavations in the Germanic cremation cemetery at Sekule, which is situated in western Slovakia near the river Morava and close to the Austrian and Czech borders. In the graves, which date from the second half of the 2nd century (B2/C1), numerous objects of foreign provenience were found, which suggests close bonds with areas to the west and especially with the Middle Danube region and the Przeworsk Culture to the north. Analysis of the graves showed, moreover, that it was not merely individual objects such as brooches, jewellery or other clothing elements that were directly analogous with finds from Przeworsk Culture cemeteries, but entire inventories from both male and female burials. It was clear that this was not merely the result of permanent cultural influences or intensive contacts, but rather that the objects had arrived in the region together with their wearers. Along with the discovery, north of the Middle Danube, of growing numbers of other find types which originated mainly in the territory of the Przeworsk Culture, they provide increasing support for the theory that relatively large groups of migrants arrived in this area from the north during the period of the Marcomannic wars.