Gerhard Bersu und die „Studienfahrten deutscher und donauländischer Bodenforscher“
Identifiers (Article)
Under this designation six journeys are summarized, which took place between the years 1929 and 1937. The origin of these group trips goes back to the “Meeting of German and Austrian prehistorians and early historians in Linz, Upper Austria”, which
took place in 1925. This meeting did not have the character of the established conferences in the field, but should, after the interruptions due to the First World War and the times of need of the first post-war years, serve to re-establish the broken personal contacts between scholars in Germany and the former empire of Austria-Hungary as well as to initiate new ones. It was to prove that Gerhard Bersu was instrumental in creating long-term structures for regular international exchange; it is thanks to him that the relationships developed in the process, especially with Yugoslavia, also survived the Second World War.