Digital Texts and Diagrams: Representing the Transmission of Euclid’s Elements
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The Digital Euclid project aims to publish an open, digital edition of every extant witness to the text and diagrams of Euclid’s Elements. This paper discusses the required groundwork and is divided in two parts. It first covers a survey of the surviving manuscript and print sources for the Elements that intends to identify the extent of these materials, how many of these works have already been digitally imaged, and what challenges they pose to current data extraction methods. The latter part of the paper discusses the methods used to produce machine-actionable texts and diagrams and focuses especially on the development of tools for the identification and extraction of diagrammatic data.

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Busard (2005): H. L. L. Busard, Campanus of Novara and Euclid‘s Elements, Stuttgart 2005.
Folkerts (1989): M. Folkerts, Euclid in Medieval Europe, The Benjamin Catalogue 1989.
Heiberg (1883–6): I. L. Heiberg, “Euclidis Elementa”, Euclidis Opera Omnia Vol.1–4, Leipzig 1883–6.
Kayas (1977): G. J. Kayas, Vingt-trois siecles de tradition euclidienne: essai bibliographique, Palaiseau 1977.
Lo Bello (2003): A. Lo Bello, Gerard of Cremona‘s Translation of the Commentary of Al-Nayrizi on Book I of Euclid‘s Elements of Geometry, Leiden 2003.
Netz (2004): R. Netz, The Works of Archimedes: Translation and Commentary, Cambridge 2004.
Riccardi (1887): P. Riccardi, Saggio di una bibliografia euclidea, Tipografia Gamberini e Parmeggiani 1887.
Saito (2009): K. Saito, “Reading ancient Greek mathematics”, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Mathematics, Oxford 2009.
Steck (1981): M. Steck, Bibliographia Euclideana: Die Geisteslinien der Tradition in den Editionen der ‘Elemente’ des Euklid um 365–300, Arbor scientiarum, Hildesheim 1981.
Weitere Ressourcen (Zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.12.2015):
ABBYY FineReader:
Google Books:
Internet Archive:
Münchner Digitalisierungszentrum (MDZ):
Open Greek and Latin Project of the Open Philology Project:
SLUB Dresden:
Sourceforge (Find, Create, and Publish Open Source Software):
The Gamera Project:
The CITE Architecture:

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