Digitale Editionen in den Altertumswissenschaften?
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In his extensive study „Digitale Editionsformen“, Patrick Sahle gives a broad survey of the history of text-editions in general and the new possibilities as provided by digital technology. In the course of this, he passes harsh criticism on the „Critical edition“. In his eyes the „Critical edition“ is an outdated means, whose ontological and hence scientifical limitations are mainly a result of the technological limitations and ideological preconditions of the times when it came into being. This short paper argues that at least in the case of the „Critical edition“ as it is still the basis of Classical Studies both historical and linguistical, its own significance as an outcome of research cannot simply be depreciated against a general claim for „editions“ in a mere documentary meaning.Statistiken

J.J. McGann, A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism, Chicago Charlottesville / London 2. Aufl. 1992.
P. Sahle, Digitale Editionsformen. Zum Umgang mit der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels, Norderstedt 2013, 3 Bde. (Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik Bd. 7).
M.L. West, Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique, Stuttgart 1973.
U. Wirth, Die Konjektur als blinder Fleck einer Geschichte des bedingten Wissens, in: C. Welsh/St. Willer (Hgg.), Interesse für bedingtes Wissen. Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Wissenskulturen, München 2008, 269-294.
Digitale Editionsformen, Textkritik, Visualisierung

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